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Stories are in the order which they happen, not which they're wrote.

See None Very short, about a page. Dark, brooding, nasty, some language involved. Anyone wanna play 'guess the POV'?
Wild Night
The saurians have located something that could be the end of the human's riegn on Earth: a strange being, powerful enough to elimnate the entire race in a blink of an eye. They're on the move to aquire this power before the ducks do, or else risk being the ones that are eliminated.
Avery Lyle, a young woman suffering amnesia, is being pulled into the battle between the two alien factions against her will. Too many unbelievable things, and a malicious truth are eating away at who she is.
The Mighty Ducks are trying to stop the plan from coming into action, but two of thier number are being hopelessly entangled in their own emotions.
The planet is at stake. What is the outcome? Who will she choose?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The Bane of Big Words Silliness runs amok! Avery curses Dive.
Jaguar In the rainforest, the ducks stop some poachers. Whee. Yuck.

Two foes, one unbeatable. Stopped by a vicious storm in a small mountanious town, the trouble begins immediatly with the kiddnapping of Mallory by a crazed fan. With the team split in two, one half must regain their teammate, and the other must fight a diffrent kind of battle.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3A